
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hey let's talk about plants!!

Hey how's it going today I'm gonna talk about my plants because I'm completely obsessed with them so prepare yourself for the virtual plant tour:

We'll start off the tour with the outside plants because there's not a lot of them~

This is my pineapple sage. Maybe one day it will flower and do it's job (which was to feed the hummingbirds who stop by once a week or so to see if there are any flowers) but for now it just sits there. This picture was right after a thorough haircut.

This is my salvia flower! it used to be much more purple but it has since lost it's petals and isn't very purple anymore.

You can see he has a little teeny trellis around him and that's because his base is very narrow and he has a tendency to whip around really violently in the slightest of breezes.

So now he has a cage!!

This is my barrel of things!!

This little fella is lavender and it would be much bigger if the birds would stop destroying it. I can't find anything online that says birds hate certain plants but the birds only pay attention to this one and the rosemary and they don't even eat them just destroy them.

Here's the previously mentioned rosemary. He's doin' a little better than little lavender and I use him in cooking on the rare occasion that I cook.

This is my bee balm who I'm very proud of because it was small and sad when I got it and is much happier now. He should hopefully flower soon too!!

Now we'll move to the indoor plants!!

Also fresh after a haircut!! From left to right we have: scallions!! leeks!! chives!! and garlic chives!! This is my 'eat these' bin! When I picked up the chives they had a mysterious purple ball on one stem and I showed it to husband and said "Man I sure hope this isn't full of spiders" and the other day it opened and revealed...

Oh? What's that...?

A flower!! Hooray!! Then I found these upon closer inspection:

Human hands!! WOW. But really there are three more flowers on the way. Fun!!

The rest of these plants I'm assuming are not for food.

This is my ponytail. I don't know it's real name. It is much longer than it looks:

It also has human hands!!! WOW. It's like a foot and a half long when held up.

This is a red-edged dracaena and technically there are two stalks in there. It's a little baby and is doing it's best.

This is my twin flower agave!! Maybe one fateful day it will also flower but I like it just how it is anyways.

This was my first ever plant in what I call the 'spiky plant corner' where the ponytail, dracaena, phalaenopsis and succulent are.

This is the succulent!! I included a quarter on the leaf because I'm pretty proud of how big this one is. He's got little pokey ends and a pink-ish middle!!

These are the phalaenopsis. You can see there's a lot of empty space in their pots!! This is because of two things: first, I take them out of the pots to water them. Second is that I don't have any moss to pack them in with!!

These I took home from work after the flowers were cut from them, so they may not be as recognizable like this but this may be more familiar!!

I don't expect them to flower any time soon, probably not for 6 months to a year honestly.

They're a little slower going than some but they hold up pretty well!!!

Here is my newest addition! This is (I'm pretty sure) a climbing philodendron.  It was under like three pounds of dead foliage when I found it and this picture is after an intensive haircut (which isn't quite finished but looking miles better!!) Unfortunately I was too excited and began haircutting before I took a picture. I did check it for bugs and there were none that I could see and it seems to be a relatively healthy plant!

And here they all are!! (minus philodendron.) Next step is to find a prettier way to keep there all in front of the same window. I also can't hang things from the ceiling or walls so I have to find a way to set up those vines to get the most of them!!

If you have any ideas on how to set these up let me know.

ANYWAYS there you go, a tour of all my plants. The end~

Monday, June 15, 2015

Today was my day off and I spent it being really lazy.

Wow it's been awhile I'm sure you've missed my erratic writing and grammar errors.

Hey friends and fam how are you? Good, good glad to hear it anyways let's talk about something really important: me.

Today was my day off and since husband is off and away for work I am also alone.

So today I started my day off by not having a day off and going to a pick up for work at the crack of dawn (not really, like 8 am but that's really early) and I was done and home by 10 am (and I even managed to go to the grocery store wow good job good adulting) and immediately fell asleep.

Then I woke up and had lunch

Then I fell asleep

Then I woke up and had a snack

Then I fell asleep

Then I woke up and had dinner

Then I fell asleep

Now I'm awake and having a snack

Soon I'll be asleep.

So in conclusion I spent like 85% of my day sleeping and eating.