Hey there boys and girls time to gather around and listen to me make excuses.
Actually I don't have any, I just didn't ever sit down to write anything because my life went from funny and entertaining to "I'm really busy all the time and stressed out?? ?!?"
But now it's slowed back down and I remembered this blog and decided to write you a thing. Surprise!
Today's topic is "anything I think of while I sit at the computer."
First things first let's talk about things I like that I used to not like. That's what on my brain right now, most notably beans.
I tried being a vegetarian once when I was younger and made it maybe a whole two weeks tops. I'm back to being a vegetarian but I've been wildly more successful in this attempt and in the next couple days here will hit the 5 month mark so good for me.
The diet change has unsurprisingly meant I have to eat foods that I didn't eat before because I can't go to McDonalds four times a day anymore. I got used to eating absurd amounts of fruit really fast and vegetables came close behind but one thing I NEVER liked as a kid has finally made it's smelly way back into my life.
I hate beans, they're smushy and have a weird skin and taste like bland and are overall boring and terrible and I love them. It's disgusting. If you were to ask me "Hey, Erin, do you like beans?" I would say "gross no" and then you would say "okay, what are you eating" and I would say "a bowl of beans that I microwaved because they were leftover from the beans I had yesterday. I hate beans though."
And all of that would be true. I eat them in a lot of things and hate them but actually don't? But I do.
I'm the same way with pickles. I order all my food with no pickles please and pick them off things but then eat them out of a jar at my house. Pickles aren't even good they don't have their own taste they're just borrowing vinegar and salt's taste and they have a weird skin too.
Also there are some foods that I continue to buy/order/attempt to eat even though I KNOW I hate them. Like tofu. I cannot get used to just plain boring tofu. Tofu is the kind of food that smells bad but you're not really sure how because it shouldn't have a smell. It's also the kind of food that squeaks when you eat it and if I wanted my food to sass back to me I would eat a teenager.
I bought vegetarian deli slices and will say that even though they were made of tofu they were pretty alright but that may be because I put enough mustard on them to cause actual physical pain in my mouth.
When you've eaten enough mustard in one sitting to actually hurt yourself get back to me.
One thing I'm looking forward to/am apprehensive about are the corndogs I bought.
See, ever since I switched from eating meat to not eating meat I haven't really missed it. I've missed things that are typically based around meat like sandwiches and burgers but I've found ways to eat them without eating animals also. Like soy burgers or whatever,
But one thing I've been actually sad about having to give up was corndogs.
I. Love. Corndogs.
And I'm happy/sad because I found some vegetarian ones with fake meat in them! But I haven't tried them because what if they're terrible and spoil the fond memory of corndogs that I have? So for now they just sit in my freezer.
Anyways I'm terrible at conclusions so this is where this blog post ends. I will probably forget about this blog for another eight months or so, but for now I hope you enjoyed me getting angry at food bye.
For Tofu, go to the chinese section of the grocery store and look for General Tao or Kung Pao sauce to cook the tofu in. Or any other sauce you love. I love General Tao's tofu. Tofu takes on the flavor of what you cook it with.